For ensure that an electronic circuit can be used in accordance with the expectations / theoretical calculations, we can simulate the electronic circuit with the help of computer software, before we implement it. Here I will show how to simulate the electronic circuit using computer software, which I use here is a version of National Instruments-Multisim 10.0
If you don't already have the software, you can download here
Okay, let's start with how to simulation it using Multisim Software :
1. Determine what will be an electronic circuit simulated
For example, I use the Parallel Positive Cliper Circuit. This is the image circuit :
2. Specify the components to be used
Here I used 1N4004 Diode and Resistor 100k Ohm, with 220v 50Hz AC source, and Osiloscope as a signal input and output analysis. For some specifications of the components can be found here
3. Then open the Multisim software
For ensure that an electronic circuit can be used in accordance with the expectations / theoretical calculations, we can simulate the electronic circuit with the help of computer software, before we implement it. Here I will show how to simulate the electronic circuit using computer software, which I use here is a version of National Instruments-Multisim 10.0
4. Then click "place source" in the toolbox.Red circle in the figure below :
5. After the click will appear a dialog box
6. Choose POWER_SOURCES of the Family column, and select "AC_POWER" as the source. Then click OK
7. Then we will return to the workspace with "carry" the AC_POWER components. Simply click once for placing.
8. After the components are placed, the dialog box will reappear.
9. Do the same for placing the other components.
- 1N4004 diode on the Group: Diodes, Family: diode, Component: 1N4409
- 100k resistor on the Group: Basic, Family: RESISTOR, Component: 3.3K.
- Ground on the Group 2 components: Sources, Family: POWER_SOURCES, Component: GROUND.
For ensure that an electronic circuit can be used in accordance with the expectations / theoretical calculations, we can simulate the electronic circuit with the help of computer software, before we implement it. Here I will show how to simulate the electronic circuit using computer software, which I use here is a version of National Instruments-Multisim 10.0
10. To rotate a component, right-click on the component and select 90 Clockwise.
11. On the row of File menu, click Simulate and select Textronix Osilloscope Instruments, to add Osilloscope to the workspace.
12. After all components are placed, connect each component according to the image circuit, by clicking and dragging between the end side of the component you want to connect.
Here's a picture after a series of connected :
13. Doublle click on the component AC_POWER, fox Voltage (RMS): 220 V, and Frequency (F): 50 Hz.
14. The circuit is ready to be simulated.
15. Press F5 on your keyboard, then double click on the component Textronix Osilloscope.
Click the power on the lower left corner.
16. The signal was visible, and click auto set to spruce up the look.
Adjust the position of the signal on the screen, and set volts \ DIV to fit.
17. Here are the results of the simulation circuit with an oscilloscope, yellow signal as input and light blue signal as output.
For ensure that an electronic circuit can be used in accordance with the expectations / theoretical calculations, we can simulate the electronic circuit with the help of computer software, before we implement it. Here I will show how to simulate the electronic circuit using computer software, which I use here is a version of National Instruments-Multisim 10.0
For ensure that an electronic circuit can be used in accordance with the expectations / theoretical calculations, we can simulate the electronic circuit with the help of computer software, before we implement it. Here I will show how to simulate the electronic circuit using computer software, which I use here is a version of National Instruments-Multisim 10.0
For ensure that an electronic circuit can be used in accordance with the expectations / theoretical calculations, we can simulate the electronic circuit with the help of computer software, before we implement it. Here I will show how to simulate the electronic circuit using computer software, which I use here is a version of National Instruments-Multisim 10.0
multisim software
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